Libra Man Sagittarius Woman Compatibility Keen Articles

Sharing their ups and downs, highs and lows, they are sure to set an example of perfect synchronization and functioning between male Libra and female Sagittarius people. Though he loathes being left out, he struggles for the love he has for her and makes necessary compromises. Both, being outgoing and lovers of the spotlight, can easily indulge in a deep conversation with each other. Libra man and Sagittarius woman are highly compatible on every front and are an example of an ideal couple.

You’ll never laugh so hard or learn so much, and you’ll remain spiritual siblings forever. Dedication to each other’s lifelong growth is a big part of this union. You’ll inspire and relentlessly coach each other to take that next life step or leap of faith. Yet, like the Nina and the Pinta, you invariably set sail on your own voyages once this mission is achieved.

I first met my sag boy through Facebook/friends and he started texting me. I could tell he Liked me but I wasnt sure about him yet. Then one day a bunch of us were hanging out and he was there. We started talking and I guess I just fell for him pretty easily from there. We spent the next few days talking and texting constantly. All our friends said that we would start going out.

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Both Libra and her Sagittarius Man have wonderful senses of humor. They’ll spend a lot of time talking, joking around, and being sarcastic. This duo comes to appreciate one another’s dark sense of humor. It’s the basis for the little secrets they share. It’s also the basis for the intense trust they form in one another. When reality sets in and the dreamlike state of first dates fades, work begins.


He will always come back to his Libra partner no matter how far he goes with his life explorations. On the other hand, the Libra woman creates an empire out of her house. She is an extrovert, but she achieves more when she’s alone. The Libra woman is the perfect match for Sagittarius because of her optimism and cleverness. Their charismas, extraversion, and sociable nature make their relationship exciting.

The best component of their connection is their shared need for intellectual stimulation from a variety of individuals, locations, and objects. A Libra will gladly assist Sagittarius in achieving their professional goals. A Sagittarius is delighted to share their creative thoughts with their Libra equal. Despite their diverse styles, these zodiac signs complement one another. With lovemaking, the Libra Woman is needier than Sagittarius. She likes long hours of talking and equally long foreplay.

He’ll come back to you eventually, but in the meantime, don’t try to control his every move. Sagittarius men are known for their zest for life, and this is another quality that attracts Libra women to them. They live life to the fullest and always look for new and exciting experiences.

Sagittarius needs to be more mindful to remain attentive to Libra’s needs. The only drawback to the way both parties communicate is the fact they can be frigid or indifferent. Without trying, both parties might hurt one another when they don’t think before speaking. It’s a good thing Sagittarius knows how to entertain someone.

She will do best with someone who likes traveling as well and who is willing to join her on her adventures. She likes to visit new places and be exposed to new ideas. A Libra man has a way of making those he is talking to feel important, and he is genuinely interested in what they have to say.

Because it is all too easy for things to distract Libra. But, it’s their natural curiosity that makes them move from one point of interest to another. Sagittarius has no problem keeping up because they’re equally inquisitive. No stone is left unturned as Libra tries to dazzle Sagittarius with their wit, good looks, and charm.

Through all the bs at 5 years we still come back to each other and forgive, forget and simply enjoy bein together. He always said im not there for him emotionally & i could never understand that because of all the emotional damage he’d put me through. But that was at 18 & 20 now after a few harder bumps in the road we still can come back and love each other for simply who we are. This last time we went without speakin bc of something id done to hurt him and he found out and we didnt speak for 5/6 months.

They have so many things in common that it’s extraordinarily easy for them to form a strong bond. This really is all they have going against them but it IS something big enough to cause too many ripples, misunderstandings, and arguments. Though Libra man will be passive aggressive in his feeling about his Sagittarius love. So what is good for the goose is not good for the gander so to speak. They don’t trust each other as they should and time should cure this if they’re really honest with each other. Sagittarius woman can essentially do the same with other men.