How Dating Became A ‘Market’

Once they see that you finally respect yourself enough as the high-value woman you are, they’ll walk away from you. They needed you more than you’d ever need them and because of that, your boundaries will help you get rid of people like them. You should never second-guess your own deal-breakers, as they’re there for a reason. If anyone thinks that you’re too needy or that you’re too picky, let them. A high-quality man who’s the right one for you will want the same things as you do or he’ll at least consider them. He won’t play games with you or keep you guessing his intentions.

Use Your Walking Power

It will take you deep into a man’s mind and psychology and will demystify what men really want and need for you. …I am sure you heard a story of some guy leaving his long-term girlfriend who has done all these wifey things for some other girl that he likes more. It took me a very long time and someone taking advantage of me to understand that.

He’ll invest in the relationship without losing himself in it

For instance, give up that extra cup of coffee in the morning and go for a walk instead. The natural high and endorphins will be just as effective at waking you up. The more you work on your other skills towards becoming a high value woman, the more comfortable you will feel socializing with others. A high value woman can ward off unwanted advances, without causing the person to feel angry or hurt.

Since 2003, I’ve spent every single day listening to women like you share your romantic struggles, fears, and frustrations with me, and offering dating advice for 4 hours per day. I know that this guy you wrote about is really what I should hold out for. Relationships and life is hard enough without bringing a guy who isn’t worth it into the equation. I would say a guy who doesn’t have these things would cause more pain than anything because these things really are pretty basic and essential for a healthy, mature guy.

So I always try to respond to everyone who reaches out. Sometimes, I meet my fans or remote clients in-person when we’re in the same area. This is why so many men struggle to attract the women and people they truly desire. They believe that there is something fundamentally different between “special people” and everyone else. I honestly feel like we hit it off so well because I treated them like they were anyone else. In that moment, I realized I was talking to the family of a man who’s way “out of my league”.

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Don’t pretend to be a friend or do extra favors for someone you’re romantically interested in.Confident men flirt and position themselves as potential intimate partners first and foremost. They understand they have to build sexual attraction to create a romantic connection. They go after what they want in life and don’t wait around. Independence is one of the finest qualities of a high-value woman. She is 10/10 self-sufficient in all spheres of life. When you see somebody dating an independent woman, the relationship will not exhibit patterns of codependency.

A since-deleted 2017 blog post on the dating app Hinge’s official website explained an experiment conducted by a Hinge engineer, Aviv Goldgeier. With these results, Goldgeier compared the “female dating economy” to Western Europe and the “male dating economy” to South Africa. This is, obviously, an absurd thing to publish on a company blog, but not just because its analysis is so plainly accusatory and weakly reasoned.


I want to have lots of sex with different kind of women. How someone feels with you transcends all physical, social, and economic gaps between you. Like I said, at their core they’re a regular person. If you can cut through their external image and just relate to them, you can attract them.

A woman who knows her true worth knows that her heart should never be given to the wrong man, who does not think the world of her. Regardless of how long the road to success is, a high-value woman will never allow her passion for her ideal life to be squelched. Instead, her passion for success is a massive part of what makes her worth so important. And marketing of dating apps further encourage a cold, odds-based approach to love.

For some tips on getting in touch with your subtler emotional reality, check out my article How To Fully Release Difficult Emotions That Hold You Back. So without further ado, here are seven tangible things you can do to increase your value in the dating market. Put simply, you’re not trying to appeal to everyone.